
Scion 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG

Created by Richard Thomas

Contribute to help us create and traditionally print Scion 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG's first two books and get them into stores!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Reminder: Check your pledges!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 02:08:23 AM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^

Please take a moment between now and the end of this Kickstarter in about 22 hours to review your pledge. I know it sounds unnecessary because you're on top of it and/or it's annoying to get multiple warning messages, but both of the issues below have happened to backers during one of our other KSs.

1) Did you pledge to the Reward Tier that offers you the rewards you want? Go through the description and make sure the rewards are mentioned there. They are not cumulative with the Reward Tiers before them. 

2) Did you make sure that your payment method is valid? Is your credit card maxed out? Kickstarter will mark your pledge non-collectible and you won't get your Rewards. Did you borrow the card and they decided to block the charge because you had a fight? There's a window to resolve payment issues with KS, but there's no guarantee that resolution will be what you want. Better to make sure your payment method will work now.

That covers the typical trouble spots and we'll be answering your questions in the comments or more directly via that "contact me" link next to Rich's picture for the rest of the KS.

Therianthropes added to the Bestiary! Up next: Scion app!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 02:33:12 PM

Hi, folks. Rose here. ^_^

Thanks to you, we've rocketed through another stretch goal! Having passed $275,000, we can continue the Scion Bestiary with a section on therianthropes (were creatures). Backers who pledge for any reward tier including physical copies of Origin or Hero will receive this as a PDF.

Up next, at $280,00, we'll work with a team of professional game designers out of Seattle to create a Scion app, code-named Blacksheets. As they explain:"Blacksheets is a mobile character management app for the Onyx Path games. Our goal is present as much relevant information about your character and the systems they interact with, in a nice readable way."

We hope to give backers free or discounted copies of the app. This depends on what we can swing -- for example, the Apple App Store presents some difficulties with giving backer-specific discounts. We'll be targeting both the iOS and Android platforms.

To give you an idea of what the app will be like, here are some visuals from the proposed UI.




This is an exciting new area for us to get into!

As always, thank you for your support!

App and Companion section achieved! Up next: Fair Folk!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 03:26:15 AM

Hi, folks! Rose here. ^_^

Having passed $280,000, we'll work with a team of professional game designers to create the Blacksheets app! (See last update for details.)

Up next, at $290,000, we'll add a section featuring some other divine parents and guidance on playing Scions of your parent's different divine mantles, or identities, to the Scion Companion. And in honor of how chock full of goodness the Scion Companion is thanks to your support, we will add two extra Reward Tiers: one to get either your character's or your name to the text, and another to be an artist model for an illustration, both for the Companion.

After that, at $300,000, we'll add a section to the Bestiary on Folk both Strange and Fair, such as the aos sí, the yaksha, the alfar, and the yo-geh-oh. Backers who pledge for any reward tier including physical copies of Scion: Origin or Scion: Hero will receive this as a PDF.

And then, at $305,000, we will add two more stories to the Scion Fiction Anthology, to further detail and enrich your Scion experience. Backers who pledge for any reward tier including PDFs of Scion: Origin or Scion: Hero will receive this PDF/ePub.

Thank you for your support!

New Preview: The Netjer of Egypt!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 05:38:40 PM

Hi, everyone. Rose here. ^_^

Tonight, we're presenting the Netjer, the Egyptian gods, by author Danielle Lauzon.

Click here for the preview.

(Please note that the final version will most likely use the Egyptian names, rather than these temporary Greek ones.)

And after you've had a look at that, why not check out this interview with writer Geoffrey McVey?

Relics and fiction achieved! Up next: DICE!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 09:41:25 AM

Hi, folks. Rose here. ^_^

Having passed $255,000, we can add a section greatly expanding the Relic rules to the Scion Companion. Backers who pledge for any reward tier that includes the Origin and Hero PDFs will receive the Companion PDF.

And having passed $260,000, we can add another story to the Scion Fiction Anthology. Backers who pledge for any reward tier including PDFs of Origin or Hero will receive this PDF/ePub.

Up next, at $265,000, we'll add a Deluxe Scion Dice Set to the Add-ons. A Scion 10 dice set with a Scion logo on the 10 side for every die will be a $23 Add-on if we go that direction; we are still waiting to hear the cost for a set with a different simplified pantheon symbol on every die.

After that, at $275,000, we'll continue the Scion Bestiary with a section on Therianthropes: were-creatures! Backers who pledge for any reward tier that includes physical copies of Scion: Origin or Scion: Hero will receive this as a PDF.

Thanks for your support!