
Scion 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG

Created by Richard Thomas

Contribute to help us create and traditionally print Scion 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG's first two books and get them into stores!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update and new preview!
about 7 years ago – Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 10:25:47 PM

Hi, Rose here. I'll just hand the mic over to Neall for our latest info and preview link.


Greetings, true believers! It's been a while, I know. I've been working hard on redlines, and I'm the biggest bottleneck here. Some of the pantheons have required the use of additional experts, while the second iteration of the playtest received a major overhaul. Just look at some of the changes:

• Momentum is now a group resource. Spending Momentum is now a nomination from other players.

• The advancement mechanic has changed; it consists of player-generated stories and milestones that correspond to mythic tropes.

• Callings have changed to have ratings. Crises can degrade these ratings and change the number of Knacks a PC can have.

• Virtues have changed to a binary continuum; sticking to one end of the continuum grants the Virtuous Condition.

• Followers and Creatures have been added to primarily provided bonuses to the character and expand a PC's capabilities. Relics have significantly changed and simplified,, while Guides have been clarified.

• Fatebinding no longer procs off Legend expenditure or exceptional successes, but instead is invoked by the player or compelled by the SG to strengthen the Bond of the character to another. 

• Paths have been streamlined.

• Character generation has changed; Attributes have been clarified, along with a character's Favored Approach.

• Damage has changed to take advantage of the Condition system. • Various powers have been rebalanced; some Knacks now cost Momentum to use.

There's a lot more in there, and I think the second iteration will definitely kick the wheels of this game even harder. But I know you're eagerly awaiting the text of the game, so as another appetizer, I've chosen a few more sections of the book to preview: 

• A few choice Fatebound Roles;  

• Two Paths tied to Fate, Prophets and Cassandras;

• The Æsir Signature Purview: Wyrd, which is involved with you guessed it;

• Three Fate-centric Purviews: Fortune, Fertility, and Prosperity.

<Click here.>

Enjoy! Until next month, when (hopefully) I'll have some good news to share.

First Scion Update of 2017!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 11:17:21 PM

Hello Scion 2e backers!

RichT here:

First off, sorry for the delay with the BackerKit Survey. It wound up that we had to go back and forth more than I had expected.

But, now I do have the Surveys and BK site ready to send out. There's just going to be one more slight delay as the folks at BackerKit have asked me to only send out the Survey to some of you as a test. They are concerned because of the sheer number of you awesome supporters.

Normally, I tend to want to get these sorts of things out to you all as fast as possible, but since I respect the service and site they've created, I'm going to go along and use the link they've provided to randomly send the Survey to a bunch of you, let BackerKit check to see if there were any issues, and then send out the rest of the Surveys Monday if there weren't any time intensive problems revealed by the first batch.

Meanwhile, I have a message from Neall and a cool excerpt for you to check out. Heeeeere's Neall:

"Hey folks! Redlines are flying back to writers as we speak and we're gearing up for the second iteration of playtests. I'll be doing a blog post in early February detailing a lot of the stuff we've gotten back from playtests, and a bit on some of the research our authors are doing for their pantheons. Work is also underway on plotting out all of the stretch goals, including the fiction anthology and large swaths of the Companion. I'm really looking forward to diving into things like the Scion 1e conversion (with bonus Epic Attributes converted to 2e) and the various mantles of other deities. Until then, here's a piece from the rough draft of the setting chapter, on Terra Incognita. Scion: Demigod had them as a feature piece of the World, but honestly, they're too cool for me to wait on, and I wanted them front and center in this edition. Malcolm Sheppard was just the man to write it. Please keep in mind that this is the rough draft of the chapter, without my added redlines. Enjoy!"


Our Last 2016 Scion 2e Update!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 09:24:49 PM

Hello Scion 2e Backers!

RichT here:

So everyone is reminded, my plan is still to put together the Scion 2e Kickstarter BackerKit survey and site before the end of December, and get you all started with that. The great thing about BackerKit is that it is easy to use, and also that it gives backers a chance to upgrade or add to their pledges.

So also, let me also remind ya'll that with the BackerKit site, if you have friends who couldn't back the KS, you can let them know that there is a sort of "pre-order" area that allows non-backers to contribute for the Scion 2e books and screen and things.

I'm part of the way through setting up the site, and the holidays are fast approaching, but I think I'll be able to get this over to BackerKit for approval before them.

Meanwhile, Neall and crew continue working hard on the text for both books, and while I don't have an excerpt like last time, sorry!, things are all on target.

Happy holiday season to all, and I'll talk to you next year!

November Scion 2e Update!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 02:18:46 AM

Hello Scion 2e Backers!

RichT here:

It's good to get back to talking to everyone! In the month (plus a tad) since our Kickstarter wrapped up, we have gone through the KS pledge processing steps, and I've helped (I hope!) a bunch of backers resolve their pledges and some non-backers follow up on the Kickstarter campaign.

My plan is to put together the Scion 2e Kickstarter BackerKit survey and site in December, and get you all started with that. The great thing about BackerKit is that it is easy to use, and also that it gives backers a chance to upgrade or add to their pledges.

I mean, that's the two great things about BackerKit.

Also, with the BackerKit site, if you have friends who couldn't back the KS, you can let them know that there is a sort of "pre-order" area that allows non-backers to contribute for the Scion 2e books and screen and things.

So, three great things, really.


Neall and his team have been typing like madmen to keep going as they have been, but also to incorporate a bunch of the feedback you all sent us during the KS. Not everything said here corresponds to the direction Neall is working towards, but even so, your input was invaluable!

Here is a link to a preview of the Teōtl of the Mēxihcah (the Aztec Pantheon) that gives you a glimpse at their principle gods and signature Purview:

As always, you can comment here, or please feel free to pop over to our Scion Forum on the Onyx Path website. Neall usually answers questions in the Ask Neall thread:

Thanks again for all of your contributions to both Scion 2e and this Kickstarter!

over 7 years ago – Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 10:06:46 PM


Hi, Rose here! ^_^ Wow, folks. I'm stunned. This has been an incredible start for Onyx Path's original games, and the beginning of an incredible rebirth for Scion. You've given us the opportunity to kick off Scion the way it deserves. From all of us here at Onyx Path, thank you!

You funded: 

- The creation of a limited edition t-shirt, which backers will receive first notice of, and which will be replaced with a different design after a short while. 

- The creation of pantheon-themed dice, available as an add-on. 

- The Scion Jumpstart, for all backers who pledged for PDFs of Origin and Hero. 

- Introductory fiction for Origin, by acclaimed author Kieron Gillen. 

- Boosted art budget for Origin and Hero 

- The Scion Companion PDF, for all backers who pledged for PDFs of Origin and Hero, including: 

-- The Loa pantheon 

-- The Gallic pantheon 

-- The Yazata pantheon 

-- Translation guidelines for characters from Scion 1e 

-- Mortal cults 

-- Make Your Own Fictional Pantheon guidelines, featuring the Atlanteans 

-- Build Your Own Purviews guidelines, featuring Frost 

-- Expanded Relic rules 

-- Guidelines for playing Scions of your divine parent's different Mantles 

- The Scion Bestiary PDF, for all backers who pledged for physical copies of Origin and Hero, including: 

-- Giants 

-- Therianthropes 

-- Fair folk 

-- Legendary Warriors 

-- Centaurs 

- The Scion: Origin Ready-Made Characters PDF, for all backers who pledged for PDFs of Origin and Hero. 

- The Scion Fiction Anthology PDF/ePub/mobi, with 10 stories, for all backers who pledged for PDFs of Origin and Hero. 

- The Scion Interactive Audio Drama, created by Earplay, for all backers who pledged for PDFs of Origin and Hero. 

- We'll work with Damocles Thread to create official Scion LARP rules. 

- We'll work with a group of professional game developers to create the Blacksheets character app. 

- A Community Content section on, where players can contribute their own pantheons and other content for Scion.



What an incredible start for our new edition of Scion! WOW! I never imagined so many of you would respond like this! 

Thanks to all of you, we have the chance to not only finish up both Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero in style and get them into stores with a nice strong print run, we have a fiction anthology and two more Scion 2e books that we can start the line with and a Jumpstart and Ready-Made Characters so folks can start enjoying playing ASAP after they get their books. And dice! Plus, we can now justify the time and effort of working with our friends at Earplay, at Damocles Thread for the LARP rules, and on the Blacksheets Character App. We knew we wanted to expand just how folks could get into Scion, but it's hard to explore those avenues when you're working hard on the books themselves. Now with your help, we have the Stretch Goals to do just that! 

Once KS starts charging all you wonderful folks it'll take about two weeks before they get everybody cleared, and after that I'll work on pulling together the BackerKit site and the survey we'll send so you can list your Add-ons. We'll keep in touch as often as we can as we're all working on all these projects (but the 2 books first and foremost!), and I try for an official Update once a month via Kickstarter. You can also follow the progress of these projects on my Monday Meeting Notes blog every week, and even sign up for our Onyx Path Mailing List on our site for announcements and the Monday Notes emailed right to you each week. All at

Once again, this is a proud day for all of us here at the Path, and you should all be proud, too, for all this Kickstarter accomplished! Thank you all! 



The response from every backer has just been amazing. I'm humbled by the amount of enthusiasm and the response to the stretch goals. My team and I will work diligently to get the cores, the Companion and the Bestiary out so you can start rolling some dice and your characters can start kicking some Titan ass. Thank you!