
Scion 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG

Created by Richard Thomas

Contribute to help us create and traditionally print Scion 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG's first two books and get them into stores!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 7 years ago – Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 01:42:20 AM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^

Having achieved the $265,000 stretch goal, we're now offering dice!

These custom dice come in sets of 10. Each will have a different pantheon symbol in place of the 10, inked in a color appropriate for the pantheon. They can be added on to any pledge that includes physical books for $28 per set.

This should be the coolest dice set we've ever done!

Stretch goal update: Get ready for Satyrs!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 07:40:54 PM

Hi, folks, Rose here. ^_^ Check these out...


Having passed $320,000, we'll add a section to the Scion Bestiary covering Legendary Warriors, such as amazons, berserkers, and maharathis. Will your Scion join their ranks, or will they face these powerful legacies in combat? Backers who pledge for reward tiers including physical copies of Scion: Origin or Scion: Hero will receive this as a PDF.

Up Next

At $330,000, we'll include centaurs in the Scion Bestiary, including classic Greek, modern American bikers, and variations like the nucklavee.

At $340,000, we will add Satyrs, including deer women and hulder, to the Scion Bestiary. This is a player-focused splat, especially for playing in solo or side stories with your Scions.

...just over two hours left! Can we do it?

30 minute reminder: Check your pledges!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 12:44:59 PM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^ Please take a moment between now and the end of this Kickstarter in about 30 minutes to review your pledge. I know it sounds unnecessary because you're on top of it and/or it's annoying to get multiple warning messages, but both of the issues below have happened to backers during one of our other KSs.  

1) Did you pledge to the Reward Tier that offers you the rewards you want? Go through the description and make sure the rewards are mentioned there. They are not cumulative with the Reward Tiers before them.  

2) Did you make sure that your payment method is valid? Is your credit card maxed out? Kickstarter will mark your pledge non-collectible and you won't get your Rewards. Did you borrow the card and they decided to block the charge because you had a fight? There's a window to resolve payment issues with KS, but there's no guarantee that the resolution will be what you want. Better to make sure your payment method will work now.  

That covers the typical trouble spots, and we'll be answering your questions in the comments, or more directly via that "contact me" link next to Rich's picture, for the rest of the KS.

10 hour warning: Check your pledges
over 7 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 08:10:26 AM

Hi, Rose here. ^_^

Please take a moment between now and the end of this Kickstarter in about 10 hours to review your pledge. I know it sounds unnecessary because you're on top of it and/or it's annoying to get multiple warning messages, but both of the issues below have happened to backers during one of our other KSs.

1) Did you pledge to the Reward Tier that offers you the rewards you want? Go through the description and make sure the rewards are mentioned there. They are not cumulative with the Reward Tiers before them.

2) Did you make sure that your payment method is valid? Is your credit card maxed out? Kickstarter will mark your pledge non-collectible and you won't get your Rewards. Did you borrow the card and they decided to block the charge because you had a fight? There's a window to resolve payment issues with KS, but there's no guarantee that the resolution will be what you want. Better to make sure your payment method will work now.

That covers the typical trouble spots, and we'll be answering your questions in the comments, or more directly via that "contact me" link next to Rich's picture, for the rest of the KS.

Stretch goal update
over 7 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 02:09:06 AM

Hey, folks. Rose here. ^_^

Y'all just keep knocking these stretch goals down. Check this out:


Having passed $290,000, we can add a section featuring some other divine parents and guidance on playing Scions of your parent's different divine mantles, or identities, to the Scion Companion.

Having passed $300,000, we can add a section to the Bestiary on Folk both Strange and Fair, such as the aos sí, the yaksha, the alfar, and the yo-geh-oh. Backers who pledge for any reward tier including physical copies of Scion: Origin or Scion: Hero will receive this as a PDF.

Having passed $305,000, we will add two more stories to the Scion Fiction Anthology, to further detail and enrich your Scion experience. Backers who pledge for any reward tier including PDFs of Scion: Origin or Scion: Hero will receive this PDF/ePub.

Having passed $310,000, we will create a Community Content section on that will allow folks who adhere to our standards' guide to create and post their own Scion 2e material on a royalty basis. We will also open up Scion 2e to licensed publishing with other companies. Setting up these programs is something we have never done before, so it will take work to figure out the details, but we believe Scion will become all the richer a game line with these programs in place.


At $320,000, we'll add a section to the Scion Bestiary on and discussing Legendary Warriors, such as amazons, berserkers, and maharathis. Will your Scion join their ranks, or will they face these powerful legacies in combat?

At $330,000, we'll include centaurs in the Bestiary, including classic Greek, modern American bikers, and variations like the nucklavee.

Thank you for your support! I can't wait to see how this one finishes!